Our practice includes guardianship and conservatorship matters. Whether our firm is acting as a petitioning attorney or serving as court-appointed guardian ad litem, our role is to advocate for responsible, quality care for vulnerable persons who require the assistance of a legally-appointed decision maker.
A guardian or conservator may be necessary to protect the safety, comfort, and financial interests of persons with cognitive impairment, dementia, mental illness, traumatic brain injury or developmental disability. In New Mexico, as part of our state’s commitment to retaining as much autonomy for the protected person as possible, our courts may establish either limited or full (plenary) guardianships. As part of the guardianship process, we help families and friends to understand the rights of protected persons and the fiduciary responsibilities of a guardian or conservator. We believe it is the interests of both guardian and protected person to adhere to the highest ethical standards and accountability in health care, life planning, and fiduciary decision-making.
If someone you care about is in need of a guardianship or conservatorship, please contact us for a confidential consultation. Our practice includes guardianship both for young adults with developmental disabilities and for older individuals who are no longer able to manage on their own. As part of our trusts practice, we can also assist in establishing trusts for adults with special needs.
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