Category Archives: Events

Roundtable on Reform

Video – National Press Club panel, Washington DC, April 30, 2014, with
Dr. Timothy Rub, Dr. Timothy Potts, Matthew Polk, Michael McCullough, Kate Fitz Gibbon, Andrew Adler.

Reform of U.S. Cultural Property Policy

Video, Transcript & Highlights – Symposium – Reform of U.S. Cultural Property Policy: Accountability, Transparency, and Legal Certainty, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York, NY, April 10, 2014.

Sponsor Committee for Cultural Policy, Organized by Kate Fitz Gibbon, Pamela Grutman. Moderators Jean Schroeder, Lucille Roussin, & Gary Vikan. Panelists William Pearlstein, Andrew Adler, James McAndrew, Evan Barr, Michael McCullough, Mark Feldman, Arthur Houghton, James Fitzpatrick, Jennifer Kreder, & Ronald Spencer.
Read the transcript here.